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Travel Around the World

英語e起來 / 2024-01-02 / 點閱數: 216

2023 外師文化分享-菲律賓的聖誕節

英語團隊:Teacher Iriz, Teacher Eunice, 蔡欣蓓老師,羅迦潔老師

      受到西方文化影響,每個國家多少都會慶祝聖誕節,也都會有自己慶祝聖誕節的方式。與台灣不同的是,菲律賓有80%的人都信仰天主教,所以在當地的慶祝活動尤其盛大。從九月September一路慶祝到十二月December,也就是Ber months,總共會慶祝四個月。這麼盛大的慶祝方式,是身在台灣的我們難以想像的,現在就讓我們來看看他們有哪些慶祝活動吧!

  Influenced by Western culture, Christmas is celebrated by people around the world. Each country has its own way of celebrating this holiday. In the Philippines, about 80% of people are Catholic, so their Christmas celebrations are really big there. They start celebrating from September to December, which they call the 'Ber months,' lasting for four months in total. Their way of celebrating is so special and great that it's hard for us to imagine. Let's explore some of the exciting things they do during their Christmas celebrations!


  • 美食:                 Bibingka                       Puto Bumbong              Philipino spaghetti


  • 活動:             凌晨4:00的望彌撒                        聖誕派對                                      報佳音   



                                      吃美食                                 交換禮物                               商場大折扣



                  Ms. Iriz (左)  Ms. Eunice (右)                                                          菲律賓聖誕影片分享


                                   好玩的遊戲                                                                           聖誕節詞彙教學





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