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活動 楊佳霖 - 國際教育 | 2024-04-08 | 點閱數: 374

1130327  模擬聯合國第三次課程內容:

  1. 介紹肯亞、宣布代表上台的學生
  2. 各組學生將老師整理的立場文件文章摘要重點,完成第一段、第二段、第三段,並上傳至各小組立場文件word共編檔案
  3. 各小組想出關於肯亞海洋議題相關的關鍵字做成AI製圖
  4. 立場文件報告:各小組上台報告一題立場文件


  1. Defending Kenya's Ocean Environment.
    30-year-old Samson is an interpreter for the China Communications Construction Company. Having studied in China, he returned to Kenya to be part of the Port construction project. Samson says the area where construction is taking place is a protected area, and officers have been put in place to carry out continuous environment assessments.


  2. What is Blue Economy?
    Blue economy is a term in economics relating to the exploitation, preservation and regeneration of the marine environment. Its scope of interpretation varies among organizations. However, the term is generally used in the scope of International development when describing a sustainable development approach to coastal resources. This can include a wide range of economic sectors, from the more conventional fisheries, aquaculture, maritime transport, Coastal, marine and maritime tourism, or other traditional uses, to more emergent spaces such as coastal renewable energy, marine ecosystem services (i.e. blue carbon), seabed mining, and bioprospecting.


  3. Go Blue project : Fishermen Safety Training - Watamu Beach Management Unit in Kenya
    The Go Blue project aims to address maritime safety and security challenges in Kenya, through a multi-stakeholder approach involving the judiciary, legislative, private sector, civil society and local communities.





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